Kamis, 30 Mei 2013


By Fitri Lovina, the first grade student of SMPN BERNAS Pangkalan Kerinci.
Editor: Rita Endriyani, S.Pd.

A long time ago, one day he sailed to the country for a trade affairs. When he was walking in the middle of the market, he met an old woman who is carrying two pieces of bread. Then, the merchant said hallo to the woman. “Mom is this bread for sale?”, “Yes” replied her. He offered two thousand dollars. Then, he ate two pieces of bread. He was satisfied because he felt very lucky.

The next day, he returned to the market. He saw the old woman again, he bought the bread. For twenty days he bought the bread, but after that the old woman did not show up anymore. Then, he asked people around there, but none knew.

One day, while he was at a high way, he looked the old woman, and he asked the reason for not selling the bread anymore. Then the old woman said “lord listen my answer, actually I made breads to the man who suffered with a disease. But now he was died, so I could not make bread anymore. He felt regret and then he got stomachache, nausea, and vomiting.

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